워킹그룹 소개
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이영환ㅣ대표Hubert Younghwan LeeㅣExecutive Director |
전환기정의워킹그룹 설립을 주도했고, 대표로 사무국 운영을 총괄하고 있습니다. 2014년 단체 설립 전에는 2011년부터 2013년까지 한국의 대통령 직속 미래기획위원회에서 정책홍보와 미디어 전문관으로 일했고, 15년 이상 인권 조사와 애드보커시 활동, 인권활동가 교육을 해오고 있습니다. 1999년부터 북한인권시민연합의 대학생자원봉사단장으로 활동을 시작하여, 2004년부터 2011년까지 캠페인팀 간사, 교육훈련팀장, 조사연구팀장으로 일했고, 2013년부터 자문위원으로 돕고 있습니다. 2017년부터 2018년까지 한국의 통일부 북한인권조사 자문위원이었습니다. 한국의 서강대학교에서 영어영문학 학사와 정치학 석사를 마쳤습니다.
The initiator of the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG), Lee designs projects and oversees the operation of the organization. Prior to establishing the organization in 2014, Lee served as public and media relations specialist at Presidential Council for Future and Vision (PCFV) of South Korea from 2011 to 2013. Lee has over fifteen years first-hand research and advocacy experience on North Korean human rights issues, and has been engaged in training human rights activists in South Korea. Formerly, he worked for Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR) from 1999 to 2011 and has been advising since 2013. He had also advised the South Korean Government’s Center for North Korean Human Rights Records from 2017 to 2018. Lee received his M.A. in Political Science and B.A. in English Language and Literature from Sogang University in Seoul.
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신희석ㅣ애드보커시 디렉터Dr. Ethan Hee-Seok ShinㅣAdvocacy Director |
2014년 전환기정의워킹그룹을 공동설립했고, 연구펠로우로 돕다가 박사학위를 취득하고 2018년 4월부터 법률분석관으로 사무국에 합류했습니다. 전환기정의워킹그룹에서는 북한 정권에 의한 강제실종과 자의적 구금 사건 정보와 기록물들을 모으고, 안전한 데이터베이스 시스템을 활용하여 추적 관리하며, 참여기관과 피해자 단체, 관련 국내외 기관들이 다각도로 활용할 수 있도록 하는 시민사회 주도 중앙기록보존소(central repository)를 구축하고 있습니다. 연세대학교 경제학과를 졸업했고, 하버드로스쿨에서 법무 석사를, 연세대학교에서 법학 박사학위를 받았습니다. 박사학위 논문으로는 “국제법상 신체의 자유에 관한 연구: 유엔 자의적 구금 실무그룹(UN WGAD)의 실행을 중심으로”를 썼습니다. 그 외의 논문으로는 “제1차 세계대전과 제2차 세계대전 이후의 전범재판: 평화와 인도에 반한 죄의 탄생”, 서울국제법연구 제22권 1호(2015), pp. 1-46, “한국의 팔레르모 인신매매 의정서 비준의 의의와 향후 과제”, 국제법 동향과 실무 제15권 3호(2016), pp. 32-48, “제1차 세계대전과 제2차 세계대전 이후의 전범재판: 평화와 인도에 반한 죄의 탄생”, 서울국제법연구 제22권 1호(2015), pp. 1-46, “The “Comfort Women” Reparation Movement: Between Universal Women’s Human Rights and Particular Anti-Colonial Nationalism” in Florida Journal of International Law, Vol. 28, Issue 1 (2016), p. 87 등이 있습니다.
Dr. Shin is a co-founder and Legal Analyst of the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG). Dr. Shin served as an interpreting officer in the Republic of Korea Air Force (2008-2011) for his mandatory military term and majored economics and minored law at Yonsei University before receiving an LL.M. degree Harvard Law School and a Ph.D. degree in law at Yonsei University. At the TJWG, he is working on creating a digital central repository to compile and publicize the reported cases of enforced disappearances involving North Korea using a secure online platform. He hopes to keep the record for the international advocacy efforts to pressure North Korea to end its practice of systemic, widespread and grave violations of human rights as well as for the future investigation and prosecution.
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강정현ㅣ프로젝트 디렉터Jeonghyun KangㅣProject Director |
Jeonghyun is a lead researcher at the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG). She researches, monitors, and documents human rights violations in North Korea by interviewing North Korean escapees and analyzing the information collected from a wide range of sources.
Before joining TJWG, she assisted in providing legal advice on various issues at the Hana Center in Chicago. During law school, Jeonghyun worked as a legal intern at the Chicago Legal Clinic and earned a certificate in international and comparative law, with a focus on international human rights law and international humanitarian law. As an interpreter at the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, she was engaged in an advocacy project during the UN General Assembly and participated in interviews with North Korean escapees in Seoul.
Jeonghyun holds a Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law, a Bachelor of Arts and Science in History from Ohio University, and a Bachelor of Laws from Ewha Womans University.
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박송아ㅣ조사기록담당관April Song-Ah ParkㅣDocumentation Officer |
April Song-Ah Park has been working as a researcher at the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG) since April 2021. Her work primarily involves documenting cases of human rights violations in North Korea via interviews with North Korean escapees, researching different methods of redressing for the victims, and processing and analyzing various data. She holds a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in Policy Studies from Grinnell College.
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수헤나 메흐라ㅣ재무 및 커뮤니케이션 매니저Suhena MehraㅣTreasury & Communication Manager |
Suhena is Administration and Resources Officer of the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG). Her prior experiences with cultural and research organisations support the Access Accountability project’s goals of providing guidance and tools to human rights documenters through various mediums.
Suhena has previously worked at the cultural wing of the Korean Embassy in New Delhi, India, as a Programs Coordinator, bridging cultural ties between India and South Korea.
As a POSCO Asia Fellow, Suhena received her M.A. from Yonsei University’s Graduate School of International Studies, South Korea, where she majored in Korean Studies. While doing so, she interned at the East Asia Institute, South Korea conducting research on Korean identity as well as working as the Editor in Chief of NovAsia, Yonsei’s publication on International Affairs.
She received her B.Sc. from Aston University, United Kingdom, where she majored in Business and Computer Science.
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류민종ㅣ선임연구원Minjong RyuㅣLead Researcher |
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이승주ㅣ프로파일러Dr. Nina Seungju LeeㅣProfiler |
이승주 박사는 2023년 3월부터 전환기정의워킹그룹(TJWG)에서 프로파일러로 일하고 있습니다. 북한 정권의 반인도적 범죄 행위의 가해자 프로파일링을 담당하고, 가해 또는 연루 혐의자들의 신상 정보와 책임규명에 필요한 정보를 수집하며, 조직적 가해 행위의 실행 구조를 파악하고 있습니다. 성균관대학교 정치외교학과를 졸업하고 동아시아학과 국제정치학 석사를 거쳐 2021년 정치학 박사 학위를 받았습니다. 전환기정의워킹그룹에 합류하기 전에는 2013년부터 북한인권정보센터(NKDB)에서 북한인권침해 사건 조사와 연구를 담당해 북한 군인권 실태를 다룬 ‘군복 입은 수감자 (2021)’, ‘폴란드, 몽골 북한 해외 노동자의 인권 실태(2016)’ 등의 보고서를 발간했습니다.
Dr. Lee joined the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG) in March 2023 and leads the profiling of information on North Korea’s state apparatuses and individuals in connection to human rights abuses. She leads identification of valuable information from a wide range of open sources, including North Korea’s state media and publications. To gather information from interviews with information holders, she identifies reliable interviewees, develops questionnaires, leads dialogues, reviews interview records, and conducts further research regarding questions emerging from the interviews. Another important role of the Profiler is to conduct comprehensive analysis of information that TJWG amasses to produce public reports. She received a Ph.D. in Politics, East Asian Studies from Sungkyunkwan University in 2021 and has worked on several research projects and published several research papers on the North Korean issue. Prior to joining TJWG, she worked at the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) as a researcher from 2013 to 2022. At NKDB, she analyzed incidents of human rights violations and published reports on “Prisoners in Military Uniform: Human Rights in the North Korean Military(2022)” and “Conditions of Labour and Human Rights of North Korean overseas Labourers in Poland and Mongolia(2016).”
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박수곤ㅣIT담당관Soogon ParkㅣIT Administrator |
박수곤 IT담당관은 2023년 6월부터 전환기정의워킹그룹(TJWG)에서 일하고 있습니다. 업무에 필요한 IT 기기에 관한 조사, 성능 평가, 설정, 관리와 디지털 보안 수준과 절차 유지, 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어와 네트워크 오류 분석과 해결 등을 맡고 있습니다. 동명대학교 정보보호학과를 졸업했고, 전환기정의워킹그룹에 합류하기 전까지 여러 IT기업과 공공기관에서 IT보안, 침해사고 대응 및 네트워크 실무를 담당했습니다.
Park joined the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG) in June 2023. He researches, evaluates, develops, tests, and maintains IT and digital security solutions and policies. As the organization’s IT system and network administrator, he troubleshoots hardware, software, and network issues as they arise. He majored in information security at Tongmyong University. Prior to joining TJWG, he worked at several IT companies and public agencies as a technician in charge of responding to cyber security breaches and managing IT networks.
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조성휘ㅣGIS 매핑 및 데이터매니저Seonghwi ChoㅣGIS Mapping and Data Manager |